Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shift Change

Sidetrack went home for a few hours to make sure things were squared away with the rest of the tribe. J.A. Mandy (my Godmother) is also helping out during our various activities.

Since then, Sidetrack as relieved me of my duties so I can teach my class tonight. I'll return at 9:30 to relieve her for the night, and then she'll relieve me in the morning. We're still trying to work out logistics for the rest of tomorrow and the weekend.

Chalupa is doing much better. She's in her "permanent" room, and will be in severe pain for a few more days. She reports that the pain is between 6 - 8 on a scale of 10. Not fun. Her sisters and brother will visit tomorrow, and she'll begin entertaining guests on Sunday. More news later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you. Get well soon!

Beth Lynch