Friday, June 09, 2006

Best in Show!

This from our far-flung correspondent on assignment at Melrose Meadows:

Recently Melrose Meadows had a "dog show" and Cathie talked me into taking Mindy. Needless to say, I did so with great trepidation. As usual, her performance was equal to one by Gertrude Lawrence.

She greeted all the infirmed with gentleness, all men with licks and lots of love, Cathie - who she hadn't seen in a year with screams of joy. Kevin, who came with his dog, she ignored until he gave Juno's leash to Cathie and picked her up.

We won two of the events - one against two huge sheep dogs (that one who is the oldest participant in the show - dog + owner's age) enough said about that. The second one was who could get their dog to bark on command. They didn't say what the command had to be, I bent over and said "is John coming" the result being the loudest bark in the bunch and we won a green ribbon.

I was so proud of her - she greeted all the other dogs as a lady, she sat and stayed when I told her to and she obeyed me - I still can't believe it. I guess I'll keep her.

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