Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Winter Wonderland

As the weather tries to make up it's mind [60 degrees one day, 10 degrees and snowy the next], we manage to keep the juggling act alive. Big Dawg plays three instruments, chess, and basketball; Batty is training for track; Maggot plays soccer, trains for a half marathon, and preps for the Dance Marathon this weekend. Whew.

Unfortunately, we lost yet another bird, Whisp, to one of our cats...the three legged one. Either the bird was slow, or the cat was fast. All we found were feathers.

So now we have "Snowflake", which I affectionately call Flaky (kids hate my twisted sense of humor) and a new fish, Squish.

Sidetrack juggles Woofables and a tumultuous consulting gig, and keeps our doors open for business. Meanwhile two classes, EMBA recruiting, a variety of community activities and a burgeoning consulting gig of my own... Needless to say, running has slipped off the schedule.

February ... A quieter month? And so it goes...

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