Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Winter Wonderland

As the weather tries to make up it's mind [60 degrees one day, 10 degrees and snowy the next], we manage to keep the juggling act alive. Big Dawg plays three instruments, chess, and basketball; Batty is training for track; Maggot plays soccer, trains for a half marathon, and preps for the Dance Marathon this weekend. Whew.

Unfortunately, we lost yet another bird, Whisp, to one of our cats...the three legged one. Either the bird was slow, or the cat was fast. All we found were feathers.

So now we have "Snowflake", which I affectionately call Flaky (kids hate my twisted sense of humor) and a new fish, Squish.

Sidetrack juggles Woofables and a tumultuous consulting gig, and keeps our doors open for business. Meanwhile two classes, EMBA recruiting, a variety of community activities and a burgeoning consulting gig of my own... Needless to say, running has slipped off the schedule.

February ... A quieter month? And so it goes...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Running in 2013

Last year I figured I ran 15 times all year. Four days were my annual running streak; three days were in training; two times were 1/2 marathons; and the remaining six runs were, well, non-starters.

This year the annual running streak lasted a whopping eight days. However, my efforts are a lot more deliberate this year. Now that I've minimized some of my hours with the University, I'm in a much better position to actually train for and run in an event or two.

My hopes are for a marathon in late Feb or early March. Another a few weeks after that. Then explore a 50k or 50m event in Minn. I have it in my head to attempt another 100m this year.

"There are miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." -R. Frost

And so it goes...

Thursday, January 03, 2013


Well it's a new year indeed. A friend of mine doesn't embrace New Year resolutions. Instead she chooses a word (or two) and focuses her efforts in that direction. So stealing a page from her book, I will focus on "Courage".

Courage to make positive progress and changes in the organizations with which I work; courage to be the best possible educator for the students I have the privilege to teach; courage to dig deep as I train for a marathon, a potential fifty miler, and a stretch goal to attempt 100 miles this fall; and courage to make tough choices and decisions at home for the benefit of the whole.


And so it goes...