Wednesday, January 04, 2012

New Year Continued

On Christmas Eve we put Max down.  He was too unpedictable and dangerous, especially with kids coming and going all day.  It was a sad day, especially for Peanut.

Since then we picked up a bird, Pork Chop, and now a cat, Charley (formerly know as Shakespeare).  We've had a small parade of relatives pass through over the holidays.  Great to see Gumpa, Delma, Brian, Joe and Gretchen.

The story from the holidays involves a toilet seat (of course).  Santa brought Peanut a Duckie laced/decorated toilet seat.  Of course, it's round and didn't fit our oval bowl.  So Uncle Brinz suggested he dismantle his round toilet in his basement (in Cedar Falls, IA), and replace it with our oval throne.  And this trade commenced over the couse of the holiday.  All's well that ends well with a flush.

So the guests have left (today), decorations returned to their home in the garage, kids back at school, and Buzz back at work.  New normal, just a year older in a new year.

So I'm resolved to work less, play more;
spend more time with my family;
Eat more and gain 7-10 lbs;
drink less and read more;
re-energize my blogging efforts;
train for and toe the start line at the Superior Trail 100 (September).

Happy New Year one and all.  And so it goes...


Lety said...

OIe me segue

Lety said...

hello follow me on my blog