Monday, July 14, 2008


As of today, we have one kid (Peanut) up Nort', outside of Brainard; one kid (Beaner) in Monkey Doo with Buzz; two kids (Chalupa and Big Dawg) at our "Winter Home"; Side Track in Boston. We get around.

Tomorrow Buzz and Beaner leave Monkey Doo to take up residence in Iowa. And soon we'll all be under the very same roof once again.

Unfortunately with this move, we'll lose our family vacation. The public schools in IA start sooner than Minn. and it just so happens the start date coincides with our scheduled vacation to the N.C. mountains. So rather than riding inner tubes down the South Tow River, the delinquents will be seated at desks and expanding their minds. The price of moving continues to escallate into the intangibles.

Hopefully, the long run benefits will far out-weigh the sort run headaches and sacrifices. We'll see.

1 comment:

Luke said...

Just wanted to say that it has been a pleasure working with you. Hope it isn't the last time. Just the other night Sherry was giving me crap about telling her another 'Alex' story. I'll miss the vocabulary building and the energy you brought to our group.