Thursday, August 29, 2013

Winds of Change

Things are finally hunkering down into a quiet hmmm... kids in school, students back on campus, and Woofables ramping up for the soon-to-arrive fall holidays.  In ultra distance running this would be called steady as she goes. 

Don't eat too much or too little. Stay hydrated. Don't be a hero and think you can win it all if you pick up your pace. Always remember that in a matter of minutes things can change, and all the best plans of mice and men can experience a reversal of fortune (a stolen phrase from competitive eating).

All I know in late miles of a long run, a wall awaits. This wall of doom, is crushing and demoralizing. It can take an abled body person down for the count.   For me, the running wall is between miles 70 and 80.  I've been halted in my tracks, dropped once, and managed to forge through three times.

Lately, I've been thinking about this Wall. I suppose like any obstacles in life there are things we can do to barrel through and get results.  One thing for sure, if you wait for it, the wall will rend you helpless. The best thing to do is to take charge of the situation and manage the obstacles before they manage/ruin you.

With that in mind, there are three mantras that I've used and am rolling them around my head:  Beware the chair (meaning don't sit down, or you'll never get back up). Keep moving forward no matter what (inertia can be hard to gain once you start moving). Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.... and it won't hurt much more if you continue to jog. Then REPEAT!

I have an uneasy feeling a Wall looms near, so here we go:  Beware the chair; Keep moving forward no matter what; pain is inevitable.... and so it goes....

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