Friday, November 09, 2012

Comings and Goings

Continue to travel. Am in NW Iowa right now, and here is a picture of a field driving to and from. Fall is in the air.

This afternoon I mow the lawn gets mowed for the llast times in 2012. 

When I return home, my father-in-law and brother-in-law will be there.  It'll be nice to have some extra testosterone around the house... if only for a few days. 

Big Dawg continues to do well in school, keeping up with his sisters. News from KU is good and/or not bad. We can tell Beaner is a bit homesick.  We look forward to seeing her in two weeks.

Woofables moved the bakery to a larger facility.  Still a few loose ends there, but at least we are scalable.  Lots going on here, and so it goes...

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