Monday, October 11, 2010

October in Full Swing

Sidetrack attended a Doggie Trinket show in Chicago this past weekend. She will place her orders today and we'll effectively own more trinkets for sale this holiday season. She and I are focusing Woofables efforts on hand made, quality products that match our core business philosphy and efforts (top quality dog biscuits). If you would have asked me at any point up until July, if I'd ever own a dog biscuit "interest"... I would have laughed. An axiom to the old saying might be ... he (or she) who laughs last... cries most.

Sidetrack is taking the lead on this, and her hands are full between the store, her consulting and teaching. Somehow she muddles through. But between the two of us... it's a flurry of activity... all the time. We're not sure what we would do if the pace ever slowed down. We'll enjoy it while we can. There are plenty of people who'd love the opportunity, and believe me, we are thankful on a daily basis for the chaos we enjoy (most of the time).

Chalupa returns to school full time. The scar on her back is every bit as impressive as it is scary. Just in time for Halloween.

Peanut is thriving at recreational soccer, but she is hinting at making a return to competitive soccer. She has a head of confidence, but may not quite be ready for the rough and tumble of competition. This aspect of ISC (Iowa Soccer Club) has not changed since she left.

Beaner is driving! This is good news for the other two taxi drivers. Now we have to figure out where all the gas went, and wonder why the gages are now mysteriously on empty everytime we get into the car. She needs a job, and I think Woofables can help!

Big Dawg is full throddle, full time. The life of a busy 2nd grader never stops. His crashes at the end of the day are as famous as his launches in the mornings. He too is playing a lot of soccer these days and reading a ton of books. His social life has finally turned the corner. Next summer should be very interesting for him.

Work for me has picked up to a more steady pace. Recruitement for the Des Moines Exec. MBA class to begin in January is reaching a fevered pitch. Some anticipated institutional sponsorships have fallen through, so I'm working diligently to fill the gaps. With faith and some elbow grease... we'll get it done. Teaching continues to be a professional highlight - Business Communications and Protocol is a required core class for Iowa business students. I teach writing, speaking, business protocol and business leadership/ethics. It's probably too much for one class, but that's what the curriculum requirements are. It makes for a very busy class.
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