Monday, November 23, 2009

Loose tooth - Method #4

So Big Dawg has this loose tooth, and tells us that if you sneeze hard enough, it will come out of your head.

A little history: We have tied strings to door knobs and the other end to the tooth and voila... out comes the tooth. We have asked and been given permission to give it a tug to help the poor kid and voila... out comes the tooth. We have NOT been given permission, but instead said "let me take a look" ... out comes the tooth. But NEVER have we heard such an absurd approach as described above.

This morning Big Dawg shoved pepper up his nostrils and waited. Shoved more pepper up his nostrils and waited some more. Finally, he shoved more pepper into his nose and then sneezed convulsively for about three minutes. But... nothing happened.

This afternoon in class, he gave it a tug and voila... out comes the tooth.

Moral of the story is that the pepper-up-the-nose is no replacement for the simple tug of a sixth grade hand (or a string attached to a door knob - my personal favorite).

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