Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Too much or too little

Technology it tearing me in many different ways.  Facebook and Twitter each have different audiences and each serve different purposes (at least in my mind).  So here is where we post news, updates, pictures and silliness about friends and family.

Facebook is more the rambling commentary about life and a place for me to ping friends and family.  Good place to keep people honest and stay in touch. 

Twitter is the more serious running commentary.  More business and political.  

In all instances, I welcome feedback, comments and yes... any crap you want to toss my way.  BRING IT!  

1 comment:

Weaky6 said...

Google "Cisco Fatty" and read about the twitter that lost her job due to a comment she made. Very interesting and scary how technology has opened the world up to just about everyone in many ways.