Friday, February 01, 2008

Evans, Taylor, Vernon Reunion

The first of what promises to be many micro reunions between the Evans, Taylor, Vernon cousins was a resounding success. Between all the catching up and getting-to-know-yous, there were plenty of laughs and a level of comfort ... dare I say unspoken familiarity that pleasently encompassed our get together. We suspected our Great Great Grandparents were smiling down on us as we reconnected distant branches of our exended family tree.

Certainly there remains promise and optimism for more tales to be told, sagas to be shared and perhaps adventures to be had. In fact there was some cursery talk of a canoe trip down the St. Croix River as well as a possible Boundry Water excursion.

I can't help but feel a certain comfort that we share a collective and sincere appreciation for our new (and renewed) frindships, our family ties and a comitment to future get togethers. It should be great fun.

For more on how this reunion came about... click HERE.

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