Monday, December 12, 2005

"Personal Narrative"

By, Addy Taylor
November 21, 2005

I remember when I was six years old and I first saw my baby brother, Isaac. It was December 13, 2002. He was born at Memorial Hospital in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.

My mom and dad decided that my sisters and I would go to my neighbor's house while they went to the hospital. We had just turned on a movie, and hadn't even reached half-way when the phone rang. It was my dad, he told us that Isaac had been born.

A day later, mom was told by a nurse that Isaac would have to stay at the hospital because of an infection that my mom had during her pregnancy. The infection was passed on to my brother.

At first it felt weird having a brother. During school it was hard to concentrate. I would be surprised when I'd walk in the door and see him in the living room with my mom.

Even though he was sick when he was born, or how much he would freak me out when I opened the door, I still have to say that the first time I saw him was the best time of my life.

Happy 3rd birthday, Ike. Love Addy.

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