Friday, October 26, 2012

The power of Blogging

Like washing your car to bring on the rain. Blogging about not having a roof...  well THAT did the trick. Much h to the consternation of the hounds, roofers showed up at 7:00 a.m. And so it goes...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What Roof?

So they've had their crap in our driveway for a week. Yesterday was sunny and eighty ... today is cold, rainy and windy, they are predicting snow flurries this weekend.  I think the new roof in my driveway will not look quite as good with snow on it, than that same roof will look on top of my house.  Argh!  And so it goes....

Sunday, October 14, 2012


It was indeed a Homecoming weekend. West High celebrated, and Maggie went to the dance with a date...Zach, I think.  And Smellie came home to balm the on-set of homesickness.  Here we see the Gals all together. 

One more intense month at the U. Looks like I may stay on for another year, but on a half-time basis. This will allow me to keep benefits, add anther class to my teaching schedule, and a few hours of consulting.  More money, less time, and flexibility to help out at the shop and at home. 
We'll see how it goes. And so it goes...

Saturday, October 06, 2012

A Dad and Two Daughters

Marpy and Smelly were MIA, so it was left to Batty and Maggot to pretty-up this otherwise crusty picture.  Clearly, they did not get their good looks from me.

They were off to a wedding, while I stayed behind to hold down the shop. Once closed, it'll be back to DSM for this old bird.

Ellie continues to do well at KU, but sounds homesick these days. 

The pups are six months -80# & 70# respectively. Not small. 

We opened a kiosk for Woofables up in Cedar Rapids at Lindale Mall.  Seems like that will do well.  And on Campus, classes are in full swing, and I'm knee deep grading mid-terms, papers, and presentations.

Laura is orchestrating the move for our Bakery while balancing the family needs and some consulting.  We are but ships that pass in the night with no end in sight. It's crazy,  and so it goes...

Thursday, October 04, 2012


Ann Peterson, displays our new kiosk in Lindale Mall, Cedar Rapids.  Meanwhile, down in Iowa City, we've begun the long and slow process of moving into a larger baking facility.  Exciting times for our humble little business.