"Dad, this is a really BIG TV. Almost as tall as me!!"
When pressed for details, she shared that this TV was sitting by the curb, three blocks away, with a giant sign that said FREE. The people in the house were moving.
"Dad, can you help us move it, and bring it home?"
You know that saying, "If it's too good to be true... then it must not be true" ? I said "nope". "If you want that TV, you get it yourself. There are enough of you girls, you have a car and a driver. You figure it out, but I want nothing to do with this. You are on your own."
"Then we can have it?"
"Yep, but I will not lift a finger to help. You figure it out." And off they went.
About 15 minutes later, we hear the girls at the front door. A lot of banging and thumping and moving going on. Dogs are barking and going nuts, Ick is all excited and running around like only a nine year old can. I'm looking at Sidetrack just shaking my head. Smelly has also joined the mix... and the TV is loaded into the front hallway. It required the efforts of all six girls to haul this thing and get it moved.
Yep... it's a big one to be sure. The TV is a first generation flat screen; it sits on the floor,
Once in the hallway, secure... the debate begins. "Where do we put it?" In the basement was the popular idea. Ick suggested that it be put in Smelly's room since she is going off to school. Then the room could be a theater and great place to play wii. Of course Ellie objected to this because it would take up roughly 1/4 of her room, not to mention the loss of floor space. Where would she through all her dirty clothes? Nope, this idea was met with vehement protests and objection.
So I asked... "Has anyone plugged it in and turned it on to see if it works? And if it does work, how are you going to hook it up to the satellite? You'll need a hook-up. How about the internet? You need to figure this out. I'm going to bed."
"DAD! We'll figure this out! We're keeping the TV"
With those words echoing in my head, I went to bed. Sidetrack stuck around just to listen to the discussion. Marpy showed up and things hit a fevered pitch. But as clocked turned past 10:30, the discussion slowly wound down, and logic started to kick in.
According to Sidetrack, the girls reached the end of discussion, when one by one they turned on The Maggot. "What were you thinking?" "This was a dumb idea". "This will never work!" etc.... On that note... Sidetrack headed up to bed.
I woke up early the next day to take the dogs for their "constitutional." I got back, fed the hounds, grabbed a cup of coffee, and went up stairs to shower. "Hey Sidetrack? What happened to the TV? It's not in the hallway".
"Hmmm, no idea". She gets out of bed and goes downstairs to get her coffee, and comes back about five minutes later. "No TV anywhere. Not in the basement or anywhere." We both looked out front.... nothing.
So when Batty got up to head out for Cross Country practice, I stopped her right before she left. "What happened to the TV?" I asked.
"Oh. We took it back to the house where we got it."